The ŠTUKY (STUCCO) database is a professional Czech-English popularizing database of localities featuring stucco work created during the Renaissance and Mannerist eras. The database is conceived as a catalogue of buildings and artefacts and is based on records containing basic information concerning the creation of the stucco work, its creator and its location. Each entry includes an art-historical description of the stucco work, a summary of its present condition and information concerning the technique used and its material composition. A supplementary component of the database contains archive material dealing with the development of the stucco work and includes information about previous restoration work and up-to-date knowledge acquired through ongoing research. A wide array of current and archive photographs, plans and a bibliography accompany the catalogue entries.
A test version of the database was activated in 2018 and since then it has been accessible to experts and the lay public on a restricted basis. The database will be systematically updated with new additions and information up to 2022. At the same time, the database serves as a platform for sharing information concerning the project and its current status.